
(3/31/2021) Wammie Win(s)! Hi, all. I am delighted to announce that The Hot Lanes won the 2021 Wammie for Best Jazz Album, Spectrum. In addition, I was stunned to win the Best Jazz Artist award. The award show was last night. The press has begun to run the story in the local papers, as well as on the Wammies site: I want to thank each and every one of you for your support and dedication to music. More information forthcoming but be on the lookout for our album appearing on WPFW, D.C.’s jazz station, as well as promotion of music elsewhere on social media. The Hot Lanes is slated to perform at some locations late 2021/early 2022 and we will advertise as such through our Facebook page. Feel free to follow our group when able.

For those of you who were unable to hear the album (or do not have a copy), you can check it on YouTube and the Wammies site.


(2/8/2021) Wammie Nominated! Happy to announce that our three categories of group, album and song all made the final round. Pretty sweet! Congratulations to all of us and thank you for spreading the word. Apparently, it was a record number of people who voted this year. Next round involves professors/known musicians in the area who will be evaluating the categories and choosing a winner in mid-March. Here’s the link to the updated page.  Also, there are virtual tickets on sale for the Wammies starting tomorrow (2/9/2021) for anyone interested.


(8/2/2020) Bobby J Diversions: With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic still affecting our lives, I will be hosting live performances from my home piano. No order, no plan, no formality – just playing pieces by various composers for all who want to listen and have normalcy in their lives. “Diversions” debuted on August 2nd and are on a monthly basis (the first Sunday) at 8:00 p.m. EST for roughly 35-45 minutes via YouTube. You can access the live link at that time and subscribe to my channel, Jazman493. Feel free to pass this information to friends, family and kids who enjoy live music!

Journey to Flam // Bobby Jasinski - Retrospection
  1. Journey to Flam // Bobby Jasinski - Retrospection
  2. Abe’s Groove // Bobby Jasinski - Retrospection
  3. The Rain // Bobby Jasinski - Retrospection